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Book Club

The Sabbath

by Abraham J. Heschel

At Book Club during Advent, we are going to be reading Abraham Joshua Heschel’s The Sabbath (Jake’s pick!). Heschel is a beloved Jewish theologian, and he pictures the Sabbath as a cathedral of time, an opportunity to enter into eternity and experience God and his Kingdom here on earth. We’re reading it during Advent, because Advent is also about setting aside time to await Jesus’s second coming when he will return and renew our world. Come join us for fellowship, snacks, and great conversation!

Our meeting will be Tuesday, December 5, at 7:00pm on the second floor of Pierce House in MJ’s apartment (next to St. George’s).

November 16

Preaching in a Post-Christian Age

December 10

Candlelight: A Service of Lessons & Carols