
Pathways for Newcomers Class
Newcomers to Calvary-St. George’s are strongly encouraged to join us for a special introductory presentation with snacks and refreshments following our 11AM St. George’s service!

An Evening with Sea Dog Theater
This fundraiser for Sea Dog Theater will include a sit-down dinner, wine, and performances at our home at St. George's Church.

Rector's Forum
We are proud to present the next Rector’s Forum on April 6 at 12:45PM in St. George’s Chapel with guest speaker the Rev. Sam Owen, who will be speaking about our parish partner the New York Haiti Project.

Young Adult Art Walk with John Silvis
Young adults (20’s & 30’s) are invited to join international art curator John Silvis for a walking tour through various galleries in Chelsea, followed by dinner.

Parish Partner: Mockingbird Conference
Calvary-St. George’s Church is proud to present the next edition of the annual Mockingbird Magazine conference. This year’s theme is relief, exploring how the grace of God is a source of immense relief to actual people—and in more ways than we realize.

Confirmation Class
For people who are choosing the Episcopal Church as their community of faith as adults, we offer a confirmation class that covers topics such as church history, theology, liturgy, and polity, so that you can understand what makes us unique as a denomination and decide whether or not you want to make this your official denomination.

Sea Dog Theater Reading
The Children by Lucy Kirkwood is a gripping and thought-provoking play set in a remote coastal cottage in England. It follows retired nuclear physicists Hazel and Robin, who are living in self-imposed isolation after a catastrophic nuclear disaster.

Confirmation at the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine
For those who attended our Confirmation Class and chose to be confirmed into the Episcopal denomination, this is when the bishop of the Diocese of New York receives new members at the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine and completes the process of confirmation.

Creative Arts Camp
Registration is open for the 16th session of CAC! The camp runs June 16 - June 20, 3:30-5:30PM and is open to ages pre-k to 8th grade. This year’s theme is THE GIANT.

Sea Dog Theater Reading
In this deeply personal and immersive theatrical experience, writer and actor Chris Domig brings Viktor Frankl's seminal work to life.

Book Club
Our next session of Book Club will be on Tuesday, March 18, at 7PM in the Parish Office! We will be discussing the book Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion.

Men's Group
Men of the parish are welcome to join our fellowship! See below for details. To register, please email info@calstg.org

Pantry Drive for Deaf & CODA Students
On Sunday, March 9, we invite our community to support both deaf and CODA (Children of Deaf Adults) students at PS 347 by participating in a pantry drive to help supplement their families’ pantries with wholesome goods.

Ash Wednesday
Join us for a worshipful start to Lent! Click to see the full service schedule.

Shrove Tuesday
Join us for a special Shrove Tuesday event, with complimentary pancakes, candy, and a fun activity for youth! Burning of the Palms immediately following the pancake supper.

"Lucy" Film Screening
Join us for a viewing of the first short film produced by StoryMakers. The film highlights the fragility of connection in the digital age.

Sea Dog Theater Reading
On the heels of a major childhood event, K. Lorrel Manning's Lost…Found takes you on a soul-searching, delightfully human roller-coaster ride through music, unlikely heroes, and the Artist formerly known as Prince.

Men's Group
Men of the parish are welcome to join our fellowship! To register, please email info@calstg.org.

Book Club
All are welcome to participate in the next edition of our Book Club, which meets on Wednesday, February 11 at 7pm in Calvary Church on the 2nd Floor. We will be discussing the book The New York Trilogy by Paul Auster.

Kevin James Doyle After Endgame: A Comedy Show About Chess
A chess lesson and a life lesson, Doyle takes the audience on a journey across the world as he is flown to Singapore at the behest of a mysterious investor, Doyle found himself imparting chess wisdom to the world's wealthiest individuals.

CalStG Annual Meeting
On Sunday February 2nd, we will have one service only at St. George’s Church at 11AM followed by our annual meeting at 12:30PM.

Rector's Bible Study
Join us for the next session of Rector’s Bible Study! We’ll begin on Wednesday January 29 at 7:30pm via Zoom. The topic will be the Minor Prophets.

12-Step Eucharist on Sam Shoemaker Day
Join us for a very special service on January 26 at 11AM at St. George’s Church as we observe Sam Shoemaker Day with a 12-Step Eucharist. Watch our video announcement for more information!

Men's Group
Men of the parish are welcome to join our fellowship! To register, please email info@clastg.org.

Pathways for Newcomers
On Sunday, January 12 following our 11AM service, newcomers are encouraged to join us for an engaging summary of what we do, what we believe, and all of the ways you can become a part of our community!

TableTalk Winter Session
Join us for our next session of TableTalk starting January 9! Join us on Thursday evenings for dinner, fellowship, and a discussion about faith. You can choose between the Alpha curriculum and the Beta curriculum. Click here to learn more.

Hymn Sing & Meal
Join us for a worshipful hymn sing following our 11AM St. George's service! Lunch is provided, but dessert contributions are welcome.

Rector's Forum with Kylee Pastore
Join us this Sunday for our next Rector’s Forum on the topic “The Holy Spirit, Imagination, and Mental Health” with guest author Kylee Pastore.

Seadog Theater Reading
Tapestry is a soul-stirring evening of songs, stories, and short plays. Join us for the final installment of our fall & winter Sea Dog Theater reading series!

Candlelight: A Service of Lessons & Carols
As one of New York’s oldest Episcopal churches, The Parish of Calvary-St. George’s is delighted to present Candlelight: A Service of Lessons & Carols on Sunday, December 8, 2024 at 4:00pm in St. George’s Church. This annual celebration holds a special place in the hearts of thousands of New Yorkers.

Book Club
All are welcome to join us for the next edition of our Book Club! This month, we’ll be reading the clergy pick I, Julian, a fictional autobiography about Julian of Norwich.

Weekday Prayer during Advent
During the season of Advent, join us for prayer at Calvary Church for Noonday and Evening prayer Tuesday – Friday. We will begin on Tuesday, December 3, and continue through Friday, December 20.

Thanksgiving Service
At 10AM at St. George’s Church, join us for a service of thanksgiving and celebration for all that God has given us through his son Jesus.

Pathways for Newcomers Class
On Sunday, November 24 following our 11AM service, newcomers are encouraged to join us for an engaging summary of what we do, what we believe, and all of the ways you can become a part of our community! Registration will be made available soon.

Seadog Theater Reading
Good intentions collide with absurd assumptions in Larissa FastHorse’s wickedly funny satire, as a troupe of terminally woke teaching artists scrambles to create a pageant that somehow manages to celebrate both Turkey Day and Native American Heritage Month.

Rector's Forum
We are pleased to announce that on Sunday, November 17 following our 11AM St. George’s service, we will be joined by special guest the Rt. Rev. Dr. Graham Tomlin for the next installment of our Rector’s Forum series. Stay tuned for more information!

Young Adults Gallery Tour with John Silvis
Young adults (20's and 30's) are welcome to join international art curator John Silvis for a walking tour of Chelsea art galleries followed by a discussion at Chelsea Market.

Rector's Forum
We are looking forward to welcoming acclaimed writer Philip King Howard as we launch our Fall 2024 Rector’s Forum season!

Seadog Theater Reading
Savage in Limbo by John Patrick Shanley explores the hopes and dreams of a group of rootless young “losers” who congregate in an anonymous Bronx bar, hoping to find respite from the drabness of their lives and their fragile worlds.

Seadog Theater Reading
A Case for the Existence of God by Samuel D. Hunter unfolds in a cubicle where two seated people unexpectedly choose to bring one another into their fragile worlds.