Welcome to our Parish!

We would love to get to know you better.

Reach out to info@calstg.org to set up coffee or
a phone call with a member of our clergy!

Calvary-St. George’s FAQ’s

  • The first thing to note is that although we are one parish, we actually have two historic church buildings! Calvary Church is on Park Avenue (currently undergoing historic preservation!) and 21st Street, and St. George’s Church is on Rutherford Place between E 16th and E 17th Street.

    At Calvary Church, our Sunday service (temporarily relocated to St. George’s Chapel)* uses what’s called the “Rite I liturgy” of the Episcopal Church. This service reflects the language and piety of the Elizabethan era in England. The service is accompanied by piano and soloist, offers Holy Communion, and a great sermon from our clergy. The Gothic architecture and traditional language of this service create a meditative and solemn atmosphere. You can see a sample service bulletin for the Rite I service here.

    *On May 26 2024, our Sunday service at Calvary Church was temporarily relocated to St. George's Chapel at 4 Rutherford Place.  We look forward to a bright, new chapter at Calvary-St. George's as we renovate Calvary Church to preserve its rich history and will relaunch our Calvary service once this vital restoration is completed.  We greatly appreciate the support and understanding of our congregation during this pivotal and exciting time in our parish's story!  

    At St. George’s Church on Sundays, our 11am service is a Rite II liturgy, which uses contemporary language. This service has a larger choir and blends traditional hymns with contemporary worship music. We have Sunday School for all ages during the service, and we gather for coffee and fellowship afterwards. This service is also live-streamed on our website here, feel free to give last week’s service a watch. You can also see a sample service bulletin here

  • We don’t have a dress code. Although most people feel comfortable in something business casual, plenty of people arrive in jeans and a t-shirt, too!

  • All baptized Christians are welcome to receive Communion, regardless of what denomination you were baptized in. If you aren’t baptized, you are still very welcome to come forward at Communion: simply cross your arms and the priest will offer you a blessing. We offer Communion in two kinds: the bread and the wine. You can opt to receive the wine by drinking directly from the cup. If you prefer to have your Communion wafer dipped in the wine, you can hand the wafer to the chalice bearer and they will dip it into the wine for you. 

  • Our sermons are Gospel-centered: always. That means that we aim to distinguish between the Law (what we ought to do) and the Gospel (what God has already done for you), delivering a message of grace and forgiveness to New York City and beyond. Our sermons last about 10-12 minutes. You can listen to them on our sermon podcast to see what they’re all about! 

  • Absolutely! We have a thriving Youth and Family ministry at Calvary-St. George’s for ages 0-18. At St. George’s 11am, we offer an infant and toddler nursery during the service. Sunday School takes place during the service: children are excused after the opening hymn and prayers, then return prior to Holy Communion. We also have a program for teens called Youth Corps, designed to get them thinking about where God fits into their daily lives. You can learn more here or by reaching out to calstgkids@calstg.org.

  • Yes, we have a great Young Adult ministry for people in their 20s and 30s. They gather once a month for devotion and fellowship. You can connect by reaching out to info@calstg.org

  • We offer a Rector’s Bible Study online with the Rev. Jacob Smith. You can get connected to either of these by reaching out to info@calstg.org.  We also invite you to check out TableTalk, a discussion-based ministry for all levels of faith.

More About Us

The Parish of Calvary-St. George's is a historic Episcopal parish consisting of two churches, located in the Gramercy and Stuyvesant Square-area of Manhattan. We are a community of people in the Episcopal Diocese of New York, which is a constituent member of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Our worship is steeped in The Book of Common Prayer, intended first and foremost to glorify God in Jesus Christ, and we stand in that theological tradition that owes a debt of gratitude to the great reformers of the English Reformation.

We seek to rightly divide the word of truth between Law and Gospel so that the people in the city of New York and beyond might know and confess where they end and God begins. We proclaim the historic faith of Christ and Him crucified.

"When I came to you, brothers and sisters, I did not come proclaiming the mystery of God to you in lofty words or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified." – 1 Corinthians, 2:1-2

Statement of Beliefs

Calvary-St. George’s is part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic church, worshipping the one true God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We profess the faith uniquely revealed in the bible and set forth in the catholic creeds which faith the Church, is called upon to proclaim afresh in each generation. Led by the Holy Spirit, it has borne witness to Christian truth. (adapted from The Church of England)




Who We Are