Welcome to Registration for Youth + Family Programming at Calvary-St. George’s Church

Please fill out the form below so that we have pertinent, up-to-date information and emergency contacts for the children of our parish. See below for a few FAQs about our programming.


All Sunday programming occurs at St. George’s 11 am service at 7 Rutherford Place.

How does Nursery work?

The nursery serves children ages 0-4 years old. Children transition to Sunday School when they begin their Pre-Kindergarten school year. Nursery children can be taken directly to the nursery as early as 10:50am and are picked up from the nursery beginning at communion.

How does Sunday School work?

Sunday school children (PreK-5th grades) report to their teachers at the front of the sanctuary at 11am and are then escorted by their teachers to their programming after the Collect of the Day (before the scripture reading). Children may also sit with their parents until they are dismissed for Sunday School. Parents are asked to sit on the right-hand side of the sanctuary to receive their children upon return to the service which happens just prior to communion.

Sunday School consists of three different classes: PK-K, 1st-3rd Grade, and 4th-5th Grade.

We have a short worship/singing time before utilizing the Storymakers NYC curriculum in the classroom. The 2023-2024 school year will feature the following zines: The Giant, Advent, Holy Week, and Easter.

We are a screen-free zone.

How does Youth Corps work?

Youth Corps (6th-12th grades) report to their teachers at the front of the sanctuary at 11am and are then escorted by their teachers to the “Upper Room” after the Collect. 

They return to the service prior to communion. We utilize the Storymakers NYC teen curriculum.

The youth are encouraged to participate in the service as acolytes and ushers three times a semester on “Clergy Lunch” dates. After serving and being present for the service, the teens are invited to lunch in the “Upper Room” where they are joined by specific clergy and/or staff to discuss the service.

Is programming available year-round?

Sunday School/Youth Corps takes place throughout the school year, from Kick Off Sunday (usually the second Sunday of September) through the end of June. For the months of July and August we have what we call “Chapel Hang,” light programming that includes playtime and basic arts and crafts.

Are there special events?

All the time! Sign up for our weekly e-mail newsletter below to stay connected.


Creative Arts Camp


Register for CAC 2024!