Past Guest Speakers

Special Kickoff Sunday Announcement with Rapper DMC

Sunday September 15, 2024 | 11:00am
St. George’s Church, 4 Rutherford Place, New York, NY 10003

Founder’s Day 12-Step Eucharist with the Rev. John Zahl

Monday June 10, 2024 | 5:30pm
Calvary Church, 277 Park Ave, New York, NY 10003

June 10th marked the anniversary of the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous in Akron, Ohio. We celebrated this at AA's spiritual birthplace, Calvary Church, as we hosted several recovery-themed services. The church remained open for visitors to view our stained glass window dedicated to Rowland Hazard, a collection of works by Rev. Samuel Shoemaker, as well as other significant points of interest. Special guest the Rev. John Zahl gave a moving sermon about recovery and God’s forgiveness of sin during the 12-Step Eucharist service. Watch the full sevice below!

The Rev. John A. Zahl serves as Rector of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Bedford, NY.  He previously served at Grace Church Cathedral in Charleston and Church of the Holy Cross on Sullivan’s Island, SC. The author of two books (Sermons of Grace and Grace in Addiction), John regularly contributes to Mockingbird Ministries, participates in podcasts by the Zahl Brothers on the “God Business,” and occasionally moonlights as a DJ.


Women's Bible Study