Confirmation in The Episcopal Church

If you are new to the Episcopal Church, you may be wondering how you become Episcopalian. Because as a church we believe in the spiritual authority of bishops, the process of joining the Episcopal Church involves having a bishop pray for you and lay hands on you. In most cases, this is called confirmation, but can also be called reception if you have already been confirmed in another denomination. (Note that this is separate from becoming a member of CalStG. You can do that without being confirmed!)

For people who grew up in the Episcopal Church, confirmation frequently happens in junior high or high school. But for people who are choosing the Episcopal Church as their community of faith as adults, we offer a confirmation class that covers topics such as church history, theology, liturgy, and polity, so that you can understand what makes us unique as a denomination and decide whether or not you want to make this your official denomination. You are welcome to take the class and decide at the end whether or not you want to go through with the confirmation process. If you are not sure whether you should be confirmed or received, you can discuss this with one of our clergy, but everyone is invited to attend the same class.


What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is the sacramental rite in which the baptized Christian expresses a mature commitment to Christ, and receives strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop (Book of Common Prayer, p. 860). This happens during a Sunday worship service at our church when the bishop is visiting.

When are Confirmations held?

Because as a church we believe in the spiritual authority of bishops, only a bishop can confirm people, and confirmations take place when a bishop visits our church during a Sunday service. We schedule our confirmation classes to take place directly prior to a visit by one of our bishops.

What is required of those to be Confirmed?

To be confirmed, you must be baptized, sufficiently instructed in the Christian Faith, penitent for your sins, and ready to affirm your confession of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (Book of Common Prayer, p. 860). We offer confirmation classes so that you can learn about the history, theology, liturgy, and polity of the Episcopal Church before being confirmed. If you want to explore confirmation, you are welcome to join the class and then make a final decision about being confirmed after the class.

What if I have already been confirmed in a different church?

If you have already been confirmed in a different denomination, but wish to transfer your membership to the Episcopal Church, you can be received instead of confirmed. The process for both confirmation and reception is exactly the same. If you are not sure whether you should be confirmed or received, you can discuss this with one of our clergy.

Sign me up!
If you are interested in attending a confirmation class and being confirmed or received, please contact our church office and we will let you know the next time we offer a confirmation class. Once a class scheduled is announced, it will be listed below.

2024 Confirmation Classes at Calvary-St. George’s

Confirmation Class via Zoom with Rev. Jacob

The Bishop confirms and receives new members at St. George’s Church