Our Clergy

The Reverend Jacob Andrew Smith | Rector

Jacob was born on the Navajo Reservation and was raised in Yuma, Arizona. He graduated from the University of Arizona in 2000 with a BA in History, with an emphasis in Near Eastern Studies. He received his M. Div from Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry in May 2006. Jacob was ordained to the diaconate on June 3, 2006, in the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, and ordained a presbyter at Calvary Church on December 3, 2006, by the Rt. Rev. E. Don Taylor.

Jacob is passionate about sharing the Gospel. Since 2006, Jacob has served the parish in various capacities and has been the rector since 2017. He has also served the Episcopal Church, Episcopal Diocese of New York, and New York City in various leadership roles including: Vice President of the Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, trustee of the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, Dean of the Lower Manhattan Clericus, and as a board member of the Stuyvesant Park Neighborhood Association. He is also a cohost on Same Old Song, the lectionary podcast of Mockingbird Ministries.

The Reverend Molly Jane Layton | Associate Rector for Congregational Care and Worship

MJ was born and raised in Massachusetts. She graduated from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst (B.A.), Cornell University (M.A.) and Teachers College at Columbia University (M.Ed.), and spent over a decade as an educator, teaching Latin, Greek, philosophy, and history to high school students in Marion, MA, Dubai, UAE, and Brooklyn, NY. While living and working in NYC, she heard a call to ordained ministry and was sponsored by Calvary-St. George’s. She received her M.Div. from Virginia Theological Seminary in May 2022 and was ordained to the priesthood in September 2022. MJ is the co-editor of a four-volume Daily Office lectionary in the original biblical languages: A Student’s Companion to the Daily Office in Greek and Hebrew. She is also a contributor to Covenant, the daily blog of The Living Church magazine.

The Reverend Nancy Hanna | Associate Minister

Nancy was born in Washington, DC, and grew up in Long Island, NY. She graduated from Harvard University (B.A.), Lesley University (Ed.M), and Union Theological Seminary in NYC (M.Div.). She was ordained presbyter in the Diocese of New York in 1986. Before retiring in 2010 she served 4 parishes in the diocese of New York over 25 years: St. Mary's, Scarborough (as assistant to rector Paul Zahl); Christ's Church, Rye; St. Bartholomew's, Manhattan; and from 2004-2010 as associate rector at Calvary-St. George's, Manhattan, where she now serves as a non-stipendiary associate.


Scott Pavao | Chief Operating Officer

Kamel Boutros | Music Director

Chris & Janelle Domig I Directors of Children, Youth & Family

Mari Sparacino | Facilities Manager

Kate Dell’Aiera | Parish Administrator

Kateryna Czartorysky | Visual Communications Designer

Melina Smith | Creative Arts Camp Coordinator


What We Believe


Parish History